- A computer language which use mark up and is capable to being extend.
- XML was designed to store and transport data
- Markup : Notation or Symbol used to correct in marking up text and indicate how text should be display (<, >, ^,?,/)
- Extensible : Capable to expend or add by Developer.
- XML Element
- Case Sensitive : Open and Close Tag but be same. E.g. <chap>
- Not overlap
- XML Document should have 1 root Element e.g. book
- XML attributes
- single or double quotation (' or ")
- Good for html
- XML Declaration (prolog)
- optional, but if has, it must 1st line and no other content.
- version + character encoding used in document
- version is mandatory and encoding is optional (Support UTF-8 or UTF-16.)
Avoid using XML attributes
- attributes cannot contain multiple values (child elements can).
- attributes are not easily expandable (for future changes).
- attributes cannot describe structures (child elements can).
- attributes are more difficult to manipulate by program code.
- attribute values are not easy to test against a DTD.
When use XML attributes and element
- Element is store part of the data, attribute is not (ID, counter or unique identifier)
- Element store data itself, attribute is store metadata.
- XML was designed to carry data - with focus on what data is.
- HTML was designed to display data - with focus on how data looks.
- XML tags are not predefined like HTML tags are.
- XML has rule, HTML no rule.
- newer version of HTML, strict rules.
- Consist 3 parts : DOCTYPE, Head and Body.
- All Tags closed
- <!DOCTYPE html> -is Document Type Definition (DTD), specifies what type of document is this (XHTML)
- <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> - specifies the namespace, tell browser all tags contained within <html> belong to CHTML namespace as definesd by the W3C
- <meta> tag is used to specify keywords that describe a document's contents (name & content)
- Example: <strong><p><br /><h1>
No closing tag <br>
Tag are extensible <br />
Tags are not case-sensitive <Body>
Tags only allow lowercase <body>
Attribute optional be quoted <a href=index.html>
Attribute must be quoted <a href="index.html">
Overlapping tags <b><i></b></i>
No overlapping tags <b><i></i></b>
- Language for define parts of an XML document. It Is a major element in XSLT.
- uses path expression to navigate in XML.(allow condition)
- E.g. /bookstore/book[price>35]
- E.g. /root_tag/element_a/element_b
- Selection and addressing elements and attributes in an XML document. E.g. Select node
- eXtensible Stylesheet Language
- Transformation of XML document into HTML, XHTML (become XHTML got tables or line that match with XML) E.g. people.xml + people.xls
- XPath identifies the parts of an XML document that should be transformed, and XSLT says how the transformation should be done
Most easily understood as an extension of JSON. Has a notion of aliases that allow object graphs of arbitrary complexity to be created. Has a concept of metadata like tags that can be used for proper typing.
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